What The Members Say...

"Sarah Rebecca Vine and the Earth Angel Sanctuary / Soul Circle have been a huge source of growth, healing, and comfort in my life. When I discovered a few years ago that I’m an Earth Angel, all of a sudden my life made sense. When I found Sarah that same day, I knew I’d met a soul sister and someone who would play an important role in my journey. Through Sarah and the people I’ve met in the group, I have cleared and healed and grown so much.

The group provides a safe space in which to be your uniquely wonderful self. I am so grateful that the angels guided me to Sarah. And I’m equally grateful for all that she does to nurture, support, and teach us as we do the vitally important work we are meant to do on this planet, both for the world and for our own souls’ growth. Bless you, Sarah, for making this all possible."

Alison Mani (Member since 2017)


"I have been a member since 2016 when it was still the Earth Angel Sanctuary. Having signed up for a monthly membership first, I soon changed that to a yearly. I felt at home here! Both me and the group has evolved since, and that journey of growth has been invaluable. There is now so much work to benefit from, both for me as a long time member as well as for new members to explore and jumpstart their journey.

Through the years my journey and work during the clearing calls has expanded. I couple of years in I started to get information about members who were not present on the calls, knowing they needed some more clearing, either general or something more specific, when we check in with ourselves if we are clear or not. This has now become a part of the the live clearing calls, and we call it surrogate testing. That means that if you cannot be live on the call, I will check for you, so you will get the full experience when listening later. Don’t worry, I don’t pry or get into your personal details, or even know who it concerns, I only check that everyone is clear. So if you become a member and listen to a previous call and hear me say ”someone still needs more clearing” and feel that was meant for you, it was!

With weekly journey calls and and two live clearing calls per month it’s easy to keep a healthy spiritual life. The shifts and clearings are profound and lights up my soul. The connection with Sarah and the other members are heartfelt, true and soulful. This is a wonderful place to be"

Amanda Bigrell, Sweden (Member since 2016)


"I got to know Sarah through a very dear friend of mine, and now I’ve been enjoying the membership of the Soul Circle for about two years. I love being a member of this beautiful soul family, with so many lovely light workers, everyone with their own unique purpose, memories and history, having been here on earth before but also elsewhere; some of us fewer times, others uncountable times. Here we can gather together giving each other love and support.

On our live clearing calls, our main purpose is to deal with the energies and interferences that are acting on a larger scale. We want to create a clear space for everyone in this world, and to make everyone open for light and love, but of course we also deal with things affecting us on a personal level, if necessary. On our Journey calls we focus mainly on our personal experiences. We allow ourselves to talk about whatever comes up. It’s a safe space, where everything is allowed, high or low, nothing is prohibited. We must never forget that we are also very much human beings living in this world, which was also our purpose of coming here, to live as humans, but being light workers also makes us even more perceptible of all kinds of energies.

What I love the most about this wonderful and lovely group is that even though we acknowledge all kinds of heavenly support, we are also aware of that we are actually here as human beings, of our own choice, which sometimes can be almost unbearable because of all the different kinds of influences. But, we are all here together on this journey, and being here is only a phase, even though it is an important phase of course. It is a journey on which we together can influence all other human beings, at the level where they are perceptible, and we are doing it together.

Loads of love to all my soul family and of course to Source, to the light and to love, to all the angels, unicorns and dragons and all kinds of supporters who are always with us."

Jens Malmkvist, Sweden (Current member)


"I was an original member of the Earth Angel Sanctuary and have continued my journey into the Soul Circle. I first joined the sanctuary as I knew I was a light worker but didn't really understand my purpose or where my place was in this physical world. Before joining I didn't even believe I was worthy of being on this earth and constantly played small and belittled myself, preferring to hide and shrink into the shadows.

What an incredible journey this has been. With the support of Sarah and other members I now thrive and remain ever present in my light. I can now say I love myself and truly mean it. There are no words to describe just how much my life has changed and how blessed, inspired and happy I feel. Everyone in the circle is on their own unique journey and are accepted for who they are without judgement. We walk this journey side by side and it is comforting to know that we are never alone and are able to learn from and be there for each other. I am so incredibly grateful and cannot thank Sarah and the other members enough"

Eddie Rose, UK (Member since 2014)


"I have been with Sarah since the Earth Angel Sanctuary which has now evolved into the Soul Circle. I have been able to heal so much stuff, whether this be from this life, past life, ancestral etc, and this has made a huge difference to me and allowed me to get on more with what I came here to do. I have also had some 1-2-1's with Sarah and these are for when you want to dig deeper, and as Sarah says she likes "to get the roots out" of an issue. Once it's gone, it's gone. It really is so liberating to be rid of "issues" that can be holding us back. So combined with the healing we get during the live calls and the 1-2-1's, we then come more into our own power and get back to who we really are.

It's also so great to feel part of a community which is hugely important for light workers as we can often feel alone, but also particularly at challenging times when it is important to connect in with your "tribe".

Sarah covers so many different topics, all of them fascinating and relevant to our journey, and she is constantly updating her knowledge. Thank you so much Sarah, huge appreciation for what you do."

Louise Whorwell, UK (Member since 2014)


"I joined the Soul Circle Sacred Space in April 2020 and I'm proud of my decision to do so. My main aim was to release past trauma from narcissistic family and ex partner which I had suppressed. I needed to face my deep rooted pain and negative programming which was drifting me away from my true self and restricted me from achieving my highest potential.

The group hence enabled me to express my feelings and emotions without judgement, which has led to immense growth in my spiritual wellbeing. I've felt the power of energy clearing that have been performed so far and I'm grateful to see the inner peace I have at present.

Sarah is a great healer and her style of clearing has proved healthy for me through her various energy clearing and replays. The one-to-one sessions are ideal as they have allowed a tailored clearing on a personal level, I've benefitted from these as it has cleared my energy from an individually focussed approach. The group functions on a positive energy that sparks enriched mental health and vibrant thoughts. I therefore recommend joining this group as it has helped me through my darkest periods and experience the light and high vibrations I could not see before. Thank you for believing in me when I never believed in myself"

Ian Erentz (Current member)


"I joined the Soul Circle in 2020, after I enrolled and collaborated with a local holistic school that turned out to be a big disappointment when I started getting the message that their heart was not in the right place. By the time I left them in January 2020, I had already found the Earth Angels group on Facebook a few months prior. In late January, I joined a live session with Sarah Rebecca Vine, and she mentioned the Soul Circle, I immediately knew I wanted in! I really enjoyed the fact that this was a small group of people who worked together to do energy clearings and share their day-to-day life events in weekly journey calls. It was such a progressive idea to me, rather than simply finding another holistic therapist and working on a one-to-one basis.

I did eventually also have a few one-to-one sessions with Sarah, which were amazing and far beyond anything I tried back home. The sensation of joining the Soul Circle really was that of reuniting with my soul family and after a year I can truly say that many of them have become my friends in real life too, even though I have not had the chance to meet them face to face yet. I especially love that we are from many different countries, that has made the life sharing so much more entertaining and worthwhile!

In our journey calls we share our successes and challenges of the week, so everyone gets a chance to talk and we always end the call with a beautiful guided grounding meditation with Sarah. In live clearing calls, we often work on clearing around specific areas of life, relationships, ascension, past lives etc. More than once have we picked up from the collective and healed things for humanity, for all those souls who would allow to receive the blessing. We have our own website, Facebook group and WhatsApp chat to always stay connected and to find past material to work on, always with the advice and support of all team members. It is a sensational experience overall, that I still cannot believe to this day I have had the delight to come across this group of phenomenal individuals. Together there is not one thing that cannot be accomplished. The soul circle is magical to me!"

Simona Della Barba, Italy (Current member)


"I have been a member of the Earth Angel Sanctuary over several years and Sarah has poured a lot of love into providing videos and material to assist with one's continuing development towards awareness and gratitude. I love the regular group calls; very powerful and the good thing is, they are interactive, not just a lecture over the phone but proper participation for anyone who wishes to do so. I particularly love the Chakra Clearing Meditation as well as the Energy M.O.T transformational meditation (which I got as a bonus for being a member) as both are clearly designed as tools to help my personal healing process and to unblock many of the unwanted accumulated blockages. I appreciate Sarah's work very much!"

Erwin Schaefer, UK (Current member)


"I joined the Soul circle in April 2020 and it has been life changing for me. Sarah has personally helped me with the grief of losing my dad and much more and has become a close friend. The immense library of clearing calls and spiritual techniques have catapulted my spiritual and personal development so much.

The journey calls we have every week are so helpful, supportive and the other souls in the group have become family to me. Even though times are tough for everyone right now, I’m the happiest I’ve been and it’s partly down to my membership to the soul circle."

Rhiannon Elliot


"I was going through anxiety and depression when I found out about Sarah. I love watching Youtube and saw a link about Earth Angels were she was being interviewed with two other ladies. I watched the video and looked up Earth Angels on Facebook as I looked for more information about her, and which also lead me to having a phone call with her one night. I decided to join the Sacred Space group cause I needed help, I had a feeling that aside from anxiety and depression, there's something more happening to me that I can't explain. As I awaken, I needed more guidance and healing. Sarah has helped heal my soul. The more energy work we do, the lighter and better I feel inside. Thank you so much Sarah for all that you do. I am still a work in progress but I'm happy that I have Sarah and the Sacred Group in my good days, specially in my worst. I love you Sarah!"

April Sy Hernandez, Canada


"I had been a busy member of Sarah's Earth Angels group on facebook for quite a long while and had enjoyed the sharing and peace I was receiving from all the lovely members, then a few months ago I joined the Sanctuary, I was not sure of what to expect, I knew I had gifts but did not really know how to access or use them. The first thing I noticed as I looked around the sanctuary was the love that felt present, I checked out videos on how to learn just about all I would need, a bit like tools in a tool box. I joined in with a live call and was made to feel so welcome, I asked or suggested I might find it all a little overwhelming but I was soon assured by Alex and Sarah that we are all in a different place in our journey and all members had been where I was standing now! Wow that helped so much and I relaxed and joined in, I learn so much from the live calls and am always surprised at how wonderful all that we have coming is so awesome. I have come on in leaps and bounds and Sarah has always been there to encourage and nurture, I know without being a member I would still feel confused and slightly lost. Thank you Sanctuary members and guests, and a huge thank you to Sarah for all her love, spiritual passion, time and effort she puts in for all of us to learn from, if your serious about learning or you run your own small light worker business, this is a must for you.. xxx Namaste dear friends xxx Love & hugs xxx"

James Paddon, UK


"Your youtube video "What is an Earth Angel & are you one?" saved me falling from earth to hell. With the introduction of Sanctuary I felt I am not alone and not crazy with my stories and experiences, that I belong to a group of like-minded people. It is a family where we can share our inner self and feel safe at the same time, learn and grow and to add loving energies to the world. With the help of the Sanctuary i'm doing my best to live on this earth as we do here in this Sanctuary. Thank you Sarah and thank you all for being here!"

Marianna Nackina, Hungary


"I was very hesitant before joining the sanctuary. I had made disappointing experiences in the past and was afraid that it would also end the same way. Now however, I am glad that I made the decision to join and it is one of the best I ever made. Never before have I felt so safe, so secure, so appreciated for what and who I am, and never before have I met so many good and nurturing souls as in the sanctuary. Sarah did so much more than create a place to go to, it's much more a state of mind to be in, and I can't thank her enough for it."

Bernhard Hager, Austria


“I became a member after reading Sarah Rebecca Vine's Earth Angel Realm report, which is free (of charge). Among one of the first things I really wanted to do was to listen to the Past Life Vows audio videos, to clear any negative vows I had made during one of my past lives and that I had carried with me into this one. And I would just say that I find the videos highly effective and easy to use.  At some point I moved forward to using the Emotion Energy Clearing videos, which I also feel are easy to use, and great to have at hand if you ever feel overwhelmed by one or more negative emotions. They will help to release the negative emotion that has risen up to be released. Plus that there are also being held monthly calls within the Sanctuary, which I have found really helpful on my journey and where I have picked up some techniques to make my journey a bit easier. My life is vastly different from before I became a member of the Sanctuary and today.  I would also love to praise the wonderful community over at the Secret Facebook group (which goes under the same name as this website) for being so inspiring to others and highly supportive.  Honestly, I don't think you could ask for a better community with dedicated admins where each member can feel both safe, loved and supported, as they continue to grow on their journey. My highest praises! Also, I love the new layout of the Earth Angel Sanctuary and how much more easier it is to navigate around now! Thank you, I love the atmosphere and support that the Sanctuary provides. It is huge source of inspiration and growth! Always exciting to see what the next step will be."

Camilla Petersen, Norway


"The Earth Angel Sanctuary an incredible resource that's aided my growth and development in ways I never could've imagined when I first joined, as well as being a safe, caring and loving community of like minded Earth Angels of all realms that have been a constant source of support, connection and love"

Alex Lane, Australia


"It’s so wonderful being a part of the Earth Angel Sanctuary. I came across Sarah and the sanctuary at the exact time when I needed it the most. It’s helped me so much with inner growth and realizing who I truly am. I could feel myself getting stronger and becoming more intuitively aware as I spent time watching the techniques in the videos from the Sanctuary.

There is a wonderful selection of instructional videos for clearing, balancing and aligning your energy field. It has been such a great resource for me. It’s also so good to have a connection of like spirited individuals to chat with on a routine basis in the facebook group and on the monthly calls. I’m so happy that being a member of the sanctuary has been part of my journey, for learning, receiving and exploring."

Carla Moore, USA


"Being an Earth Angel can be tough at times, so when I found the Earth Angel Sanctuary I felt so happy and relieved. The Sanctuary is a gentle space where I feel safe to express my feelings and overcome life's challenges in a positive way. I have really benefited from the clearing videos and am looking forward to exploring the rest of the Earth Angel Sanctuary. There is so much in there! Sarah you are so wonderful. Thank you so much for creating the Sanctuary. I am truly grateful. I listened in to the Live call which is free to members on Friday. I got so much from it. I have used the do the opposite technique already and will continue to use it. It really works. I went through the full moon ritual last night which was great because I didn't really know what to do. It takes you through it step by step. I listened to the resistance video before as I was aware that I do have resistance. Thank you Sarah In gratitude and Love, Anna"

Anna Mitchell


"From the moment I read Sarah Rebecca Vine's free pdf about Earth Angels, I could feel her loving and warm energy coming through, and I felt as though I had come home. I was eager to join the Earth Angel Sanctuary and discover how much Sarah has given of herself to help empower other Earth Angels. It is a wonderful and enriching group to connect with. I also chose to do 121 sessions with Sarah privately because I had been going through a very hard time and needed divine wisdom and guidance. Her compassionate understanding with zero judgment once again made me feel right at home. From the beginning, Sarah helped me clear layers of emotional and energetic debris, so that I could be free of them. With each session, burdensome feelings began to lift off me and I could feel lighter again. She is a gift to our planet, an absolute treasure who guides us all to discover our treasures within. Her service is of immeasurable value. Most definitely worthwhile."

Sarita Coren, US


I first bumped into Sarah during the winter of 2010.  We both already 'knew' each other, something deep inside recognised “a something” in us both. Sarah is so gifted and uses a hybrid of amazing advanced healing techniques which she is constantly perfecting, resulting in powerful shifts of energy and blockages that hold us back from being all that we truly are and have yet to dream of.  What treasures are in store for those willing to take a leap into a more compelling future? You’ll never know what you are missing…. until you do know!  Everything you will need for your journey to success can be found at The Earth Angel Sanctuary…….. Go take a peak!

Angel Kalyan, UK



Privacy Policy here



All information on this website is for general and educational purposes only and are based upon the opinions of Sarah Vine. The information is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified healthcare professional or intended as medical advice. Sarah encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.It is not intended to diagnose, prescribe, treat, or cure any disease, physical or mental. This information is not intended in any way as a substitute for competent professional medical or psychological diagnosis and care. You should not discontinue or modify any medication presently being taken pursuant to medical advice without obtaining approval from your healthcare professional.

You must understand that while an energy healing approach is a safe self-treatment method, with a substantial body of clinical experience showing no serious side-effects when properly administered, it is possible, with any form of healing, that unresolved memories and related emotions and sensations may be brought into your awareness. It is possible that this emotional material may continue to surface. It is also possible that previously traumatic memories may lose their emotional charge, and this could adversely affect your ability to provide legal testimony that carries the same impact as it might have prior to treatment.